Mother and baby yoga – Bryony Vickers

Postnatal parent and baby yoga classes from newborn to toddler create a warm and friendly atmosphere, promoting enjoyment and confidence in the handling of babies and in ways of relating to our children. Babies have open hearts and minds and are ready to embrace new experiences. The shared experience for both parent and baby encourages early bonding and creates a secure and happy foundation of well-being. We see the development of mutual respect and understanding and the expression of pleasure and delight.

Baby yoga provides the stimulation of touch, movement and rhythm, as well as the benefits of deep relaxation. The series of sequences encourage flexibility and bring balance and harmony to the body systems. Each movement supports the baby’s individual development, strengthening the physical body and maintaining flexibility. Tactile stimulation contributes to the development of the brain and the nervous system.

Baby yoga can help to settle babies and to improve sleep patterns. The movements and massage will aid digestion and give relief to colicky babies. Yoga will promote normal healthy growth preventing many problems from occurring.

For babies 3 months +


May 09 2024


10:00 am - 11:30 pm


Satyam (Mill Road)
2-4 Hawthorn Way, Cambridge, CB4 1AX
Bryony Vickers


Bryony Vickers
07988 758544
More info & booking
QR Code


Joyful Babies
07712 898 298
