Lisa Szramowski

Yoga and the invitation it graciously offers for richness and depth to everyday living has been important in my life for over a decade. My interest in pregnancy yoga arose whilst off in the Indian Himalayas on a Yoga Teacher Training course in 2011. I distinctly remember the moment whilst chatting with a new found friend, overlooking the almighty mountain range when it became crystal clear, that my way forward was to train as a pregnancy yoga teacher when the time arose to go home to Cambridge. A year and half later, April 2013, my first weekend in the UK for 17 months, I was on my yoga mat in London, training to become a Birthlight Perinatal Yoga Teacher, feeling in the perfect place.

I had spent the previous 17 months in Asia exploring yoga, meditation, alternative healing and local cultures in India and Nepal, and then taught daily yoga to many different people for 7 incredible months in Vietnam. On coming home, I wanted to continue with my love of sharing yoga with others.

My background is in Counselling and with a Masters in Psychotherapeutic Counselling for Children and Adolescents from the University of Cambridge, I greatly honour the process of healing, nurture, nourishment and learning how to live a fulfilling life.

What I really LOVE about Birthlight, is the emphasis placed on women coming together in a safe, supportive space, where the need for self- nurture, bonding with baby, along with shared joys and anxieties are all central to the yoga sessions. I feel totally at home working with these values and they come very naturally to me.

In the sessions I run, these values are reflected, along with beautiful gentle yoga moves, breath work and deep relaxation techniques to support Mum and Baby through pregnancy and birth in the kindest, most enjoyable and safest of ways. In my groups, women have commented they like that the sessions help prepare for labour, there is time and space to relax and let go of other worries and that the content changes from week to week.
