Terms & Conditions of Booking


I understand that Joyful Babies will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury that may occur whilst on the class premises.

I understand that Joyful Babies does not give refunds once the course has started, or if lessons are cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances (cancellations are then subject to a £5.00 administration charge), credits for future terms are at Joyful Babies’ discretion.

I understand that 1 of my 6 sessions may be carried over, otherwise classes must be attended consecutively and missed classes will need to be paid for. Continuing sessions may be booked at class with my teacher or online. For the last few weeks of pregnancy sessions may be paid on a weekly basis.

I understand that details on this form are entirely confidential and although are entered onto a computer database, are for personal use of Joyful Babies only.